Minimalism and consuming less are major parts of an eco-positive lifestyle. In fact, for the average Dutch person, practicing minimalism is the beste thing they can do for the environment. The less you buy, the better. Today I am sharing 5 things I no longer buy, it’s part 4 of this series. The items on the list are mostly consumables, not really physical stuff. But I still think it’s important to share them, as I want to encourage consuming less in any way. Like, I said this is the fourth post in this series. Curious about the first 15 things I no longer buy, read part one, part two and part three of this series.
Here are 5 things I no longer buy (part 4):
1 Hair spray
I never buy hairspray anymore. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t use hairspray at all. I think hair spray is really useful, it helps me make my hair look the way I want to sometimes. Of course it’s not an essential, because I could live without it, but I don’t want to. Some time ago, I found a great recipe for making your own hairspray. Ever since, I have been making hair spray myself. The recipe that I use has only two ingredients and it works just fine. Store-bought hairsprays have tons of ingredients in them and for most, I doubt whether they’re good for me. I don’t see the point in buying a product which might be harmful for me, if I can also make it myself. I know what’s in it now. And it’s also incredibly cheap.
2 Hair conditioner
Unlike the hair spray, hair conditioner is something I don’t buy because I think I don’t need it. I have never really seen the point of hair conditioner. Yes, if you put conditioner on your hair in the shower, your hair feels smoother. However, once out of the shower I don’t see nor feel the difference. I honestly believe hair conditioner is an example of great marketing. This industry has made a product and they also managed to make us believe that we actually need it. I stopped buying conditioner years ago and my hair still looks the same. I personally only use shampoo twice a week to clean my hair and that’s it. Simple and effective.
3 Perfume
This is actually something that took me a long time to stop buying. And when I tell people that I don’t wear perfume, they’re usually very surprised. It seems as if people see perfume as an absolute essential. And honestly, I like the idea of perfume too, that’s why it took me a long time to quit. Smelling nice on some occasions is attractive. However, the thing that made me quit is the chemicals inside of perfume. You sure as hell should not drink perfume, and since the skin is an organ that absorbs the things you put on it, I don’t think perfume can be good for you.
There are more natural brands out there, but I the less of any substance on my skin, the better. I guess the people around me just have to get used to me smelling like myself. I have not gotten any complaints, haha.
4 Foundation
When I shared all the make-up I owned in 2019, I still used foundation. Not on a daily basis, but I did use it at special occasions. That foundation had a plastic lid, which I didn’t like. And so, I had already found a more sustainable alternative. Foundation in glass, with a bamboo lid. However, the years after that purchase I started to question foundation in general. I felt more and more uncomfortable with the fact that I was hiding my skin. Consequence was that I started to hate my skin more and more when I didn’t wear foundation. My standard was shifting. And so was the standard in society. I don’t like the fact that we can’t seem to accept ourselves anymore.
As a consequence, I stopped wearing foundation. Quite radical. I don’t judge anymore who does wear foundation, it’s your own choice. I personally just don’t like wearing it anymore.
5 Make-up powder
When I ditched the foundation, I did still use make-up powder occasionally. Foundation is a thick liquid which totally covers the skin. I felt like make-up powder was the lighter version of that. Because it’s a powder, not a liquid. I even wrote an article about zero waste make-up powder at the time. It makes no sense, I know. Make-up powder covers the flaws of your skin as well. It’s almost the same thing. I guess it was a step that I needed in between. Because not so long ago, I finished my make-up powder and decided that I’m not going to buy a new one. I want to accept my skin as it is. I know I can do it.
Make-up for me should be a celebration, an extra (like eye-shadow or lipstick). I don’t want it to be something that covers me up or makes me hate myself. Fuck the patriarchy for making me believe I need it. I will no longer sponsor companies who make money from my insecurities.
These were another 5 things I no longer buy, in part 4 of this series. The list now adds up to 20 items! 20 items that I no longer buy because I try to think carefully about what I buy. On to the next 5 items!
Yours sincerely,