Today I want to share more about Greenpeace. That’s because I just signed up for another activity of them which is just right for me. A big clean-up in Gouda the 4th of March! This is only my second activity with Greenpeace, but I want to share more about Greenpeace already. My view of them has always been good, even after seeing Cowspiracy where they didn’t show up in a good way. They do intend to save our planet! In June 2016 I discovered again some new information and I signed up as a volunteer. Consequently, I was hooked! Today I want to tell you more about this great organization: Greenpeace.
Greenpeace is a non-profit organization which wants to save the planet. From climate-change, to whale hunting to the plastic soup, they want to battle it all! They do this by organizing events to which volunteers can sign up. All ‘regular’ people wanting to change the world for the better. They protest in different ways. Sometimes illegal, if the problem is urgent. By blocking certain areas for example. But they also have other activities to create awareness, protests or clean-ups for example. They’re all about creating awareness in a non-violent way about global or local issues which might harm planet or people.
Supporting Greenpeace
You can support Greenpeace in multiple ways. Not only with donations, as I always thought. This is an option of course, but not everybody has the means to do so. What’s next is signing up for the newsletters. This is an easy online way to support Greenpeace. This way you can spread the message they share about a certain topic on your own social media. This is also where they usually share petitions to sign and share. You can do all this in your own home, for free.
Another step further is to actually participate in actions. You can also sign up for those e-mails online. Via these mails you can see what’s events are coming up. You’re not obligated to participate in anything, you can just see the events in your e-mail. However, you can choose to join. Which one is up to you each time. This way you can help in your own way. If you’re not up for protesting, you can help in other ways too. They’re always looking for artistic people, drivers, people for clean-ups and more.
My First Experience with Greenpeace
My first activity was a weekend at Mysteryland, where I helped keep the surroundings clean. I ‘worked’ during the day and at night I was free to enjoy the festival. I have great memories of that weekend. We as a crew got to see the terrain before anyone else and the end-show with Martin Garrix was a-ma-zing! Anyway, my next activity is another clean-up, I like doing those.
Becoming an Activist at Greenpeace
There is one higher step ahead: you can become an activist. Joining the people who sometimes do the illegal things. This is on my list too, but the past few times I couldn’t make it to the training weekend. The activists are the people you immediately think about when you hear the name Greenpeace. The famous people who chase the wale hunters in tiny boats. As an activist you’re where you’re needed, whenever, wherever. This takes dedication! That’s why you need to do the training first. Maybe I can tell you more about that in the future haha!
I guess you can tell that I find Greenpeace a great organization. But what do you think about Greenpeace?
Yours sincerely,
Yay goed bezig Romee!
ik ben ik Utrecht nu actief met acties van Milieudefensie en een klimaatgroep om Utrecht C02 neutraal te krijgen. Sta ook helemaal achter Greenpeace!
Jij ook Samuel! Gaaf om te horen, hopen dat het gaat lukken. Toi, toi toi!