Over the years I’ve shared a lot of posts about books, films and series on this blog. I think information is crucial when it comes to a sustainable lifestyle. Knowledge is power. For you to have a clear overview I’ve made a list of all the books, films and series I’ve written about so far.
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
De Vegarevolutie by Lisa Steltenpool (Dutch)
How not to die by Micheal Greger
Dieren kunnen de pest krijgen by Esther Ouwehand (Dutch)
Eet win-win by Janneke van der Meulen (Dutch)
Climate Change
Earth in Balance by Al Gore
The Hidden Impact by Babette Porcelijn
The Life-changing Art of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
The Joy of Less by Francine Jay
Minimalism by Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn
Verlangen naar Minder by Jelle Derckx (Dutch)
Consumerism and Individual Behavior
The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard
How I Lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day by Kath Kelly
This a Good Guide by Marieke Eyskoot
Green Living for Dummies by Liz Barciay
Let’s Go Green by Sustainable Susan
Sleeping Naked is Green by Vanessa Farquharson
Het Hedendaagse Heldenboek by Rachel van de Pol (Dutch)
Intersectional Feminism
Sletvrees by Sunny Bergman (Dutch)
Knap voor een Dik Meisje by Tatjana Almuli (Dutch)
We Should All be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Dat zou jij nooit toelaten by Tessel ten Zweege (Dutch)
Zorg by Lynn Berger (Dutch)
Body positive power by Megan Jayne Crabbe
Invisible women by Caroline Criado Perez
I hate men by Pauline Harmange
White supremacy
Hallo witte mensen by Anousha Nzume (Dutch)
Understanding Everyday Racism by Philomena Essed
Wit huiswerk by Anne van der Ven (Dutch)
Zero Waste
No Impact Man by Colin Beavan
Lekker Koken met Restjes by Daisy Scholte (Dutch)
Het zero waste project by Jessie Kroon and Nicki Kroon (Dutch)
Doe het zero by Jessie Kroon and Nicki Kroon (Dutch)
The Blue Zones by Dann Buettner
Hoe word je 100? by William Cortvriendt (Dutch)
Veroudering Vertragen by Kris Verburgh (Dutch)
The Food Hourglass by Kris Verburgh
Ouder worden in de praktijk by Rudi Westendorp (Dutch)
Politics and Economics
De Kanarie in de Kolenmijn by Marianne Thieme and Ewald Engelen (Dutch)
Je Geld of Je Leven by by Hanneke van Veen and Rob van Eeden (Dutch)
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin
Je hebt wél iets te verbergen by Maurits Martijn (Dutch)
Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman & The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama
Skin Cleanse by Adina Grigore
Eat that Frog! by Brian Tracy and On Top by Anna Nooshin
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
The top five regrets of the dying by Bronnie Ware
Humankind: a hopeful history by Rutger Bregman
Films and Documentaries
The Gamechangers
The Cove
Vegucated (and 5 tips from me)
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
The animal people
Fast Fashion and Sustainable Fashion
The True Cost
Climate Change
Gasland part I and II
Chasing Coral
Before The Flood
The 11th Hour
Chasing Ice
Racing Extinction
2Doc, De Klimaatontkenners (Dutch)
A Life On Our Planet
I am Greta
Zero Waste
No Impact Man
A Plastic Ocean
Just Eat It
Bag It (and 4 tips from me)
The Minimalists
Food and the Food System
The Biggest Little Farm
SuperSize Me
The Kids Menu
Hungry for Change
What you need to know about GMO’s
Kiss the Ground
Sea the truth
The Light Bulb Conspiracy
Intersectional Feminism
Beperkt Houdbaar (Dutch)
Crip Camp
Knock Down The House
On the basis of sex
Miss Americana
Wit is ook een kleur (Dutch)
Positive Impact
Life in the Doghouse
The cleaners
The ivory game
14 Peaks
Consumerism and Individual Behavior
De Prijsvechter (Dutch)
Rot op met je milieu! (Dutch)
Het Succes van de Kringloopwinkel (Dutch)
Bloed, Zweet en Luxeproblemen (Dutch)
Bodem in zicht (Dutch)
Hoe word je 100? (Dutch)
Live to 100: secrets of the blue zones
Sustainable Fashion
Genaaid (Dutch)
Intersectional feminism
Sex Education
When They See Us
Rolstoel Roadmovie (Dutch)
Klassen (Dutch)
Mari staat op (Dutch)
The school that tried to end racism
The principles of pleasure
The Ripper
Mrs America
Climate change
Our Planet
Breaking Boundaries
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
Schuldig (Dutch)
Dominee of Koopman (Dutch)
Have fun watching and reading everything from this books, films and series list!
Yours sincerely,