You might think it’s not worth the effort to write a blogpost about just one piece of clothing I bought, but I disagree. So, here I am, sharing just one item I bought a while back. Why? Because I think it’s important to value every single sustainable choice made. So, here I am, with a small blogpost about buying a secondhand jeans.
Buying secondhand
Right now, I buy all of my clothes second hand, except for my underwear and tights. Sometimes when I tell people that, they are surprised. They think of second hand as old and boring clothes. I’m here to prove that it doesn’t have to be that! I get that it can be hard to imagine what a second hand wardrobe looks like, so I try to highlight every piece I buy on here. And frankly, the inside of a second hand wardrobe looks quite the same as a new one.
Second hand clothing
Why do I buy second hand clothing? Because it’s someone else’s trash! If someone does not like their clothes anymore, because their style has changed or they have become thicker or thinner, this does not mean that this piece of clothing is automatically trash. It just does not serve that person anymore, which does not mean it can’t serve me. I just don’t think we should recycle (or worse, burn) perfectly good clothes. They should go back into the clothing chain, the second hand one in this case. Point number two is, I could buy new fair and sustainable clothes, but that’s still less sustainable than buying something second hand. Because, when you buy second hand, no new resources are needed. It’s zero waste and even more, because you’re preventing a perfect piece of clothing going to landfill!
My ‘new’ jeans
As you might have read in my last weekly diary, I’ve been to Berlin with my boyfriend. I went to thrift shop there, called Humana. When I go thrift shopping, I do try to focus on what I need. I felt like I needed a new jeans and a new skirt, so I went looking for those. I found this amazing mom jeans and it fits me perfectly. It’s 100% cotton and so contains no plastic, a criteria which I try to focus on, since plastic clothing like polyester release microplastic when you wash them. It cost me 24 euros, which in my opinion is not much for a good quality jeans. Buying second hand usually saves you money. I am so happy with this jeans!

Have you considered buying secondhand jeans?
Yours sincerely,
Als er één ding was wat ik had willen weten als arme student dan was het wel hoeveel leuke tweedehands kleding er te vinden is. Die kick als je precies vindt wat je zocht. En dan die leuke prijsjes. Ik ben fan!
Ja inderdaad! Het is soms wel even zoeken, ik heb best een lastige maat omdat ik heel klein ben haha. Maar als het dan eindelijk vind, is dat zo fijn!