Hi! Welcome back into my personal weekly diary. In this diary I try to show you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis. I want to show what habits, choices and mindsets are important. The past week I rescued some food from the supermarket, sold some of my clothes on the Vinted app and started planning my sustainable interrail holiday! Want to read along? Here’s eco-positive weekly diary #124.
Today I am free from work and I have a cold. I therefore stayed at home most of the day, I did however walk the dog with mom and went to handball training at night (and afterwards I was a referee at a handball match). When I have a cold I try to just take it easy. No medicines or anything. Just rest, a warm shower (with eucalyptus leaves maybe), lots of vitamins from fruits and laying in bed. At night I did use a nose-spray I still had it from last holiday (I got a cold then and I wanted to fight it because I didn’t want a cold on a holiday, normally I don’t fight it). For dinner I made some vegan sushi again after a long time.

I was free from work at 11 AM already. Since I still did not feel that well I laid in bed for most of the day. I watched some great informative Dutch tv-shows, Gefileerd, Keuringsdienst van Waarde & RAMBAM (all tips if you’re Dutch). When I wanted to make a snack, herb butter with crackers, I found out that the herb mix I used for that is not vegan, it contains milk. That upsets me, because it’s so unnecessary. You don’t need milk in a herb mix. I put it back in the cabinet and I will not use it again. At night I made some curry with rescued vegetables. I rescued the vegetables at the supermarket, they were discounted because they would expire today and so I prevented them from going to trash and made a lovely dish with them.

Another workday, today till 12:30 PM. After years of having a gift card from Apple, I finally bought something with it. I bought Roller Coaster Tycoon! Haha! I love that game. I played it all day.
I worked in the morning again, from 11 AM till 2 PM. My boyfriend came over today and I made myself a quick lunch. I am really trying to vary much more with my diet. Today I made a couscous dish with vegetables, nuts and soy yoghurt and it turned out great! At night I had a vegan pizza from Lidl, while we were planning our interrail trip. In May my boyfriend and I are going interrailing. A holiday by train, the most sustainable way (after walking or biking). I am so excited for it already!

Another day of working, today from 12 PM till 5 PM. I decided to go to the gym again, since I want to exercise more. I thought I was going to bootcamp class, but I misread the schedule and so I ended up in a yoga class. Before work I also had a quick lunch, crackers with a vegetable spread. It’s from Zonnatura and I really love it! At night I was busy with my accountancy, because the map I stored all my files in broke. My boyfriend gave me one secondhand yesterday, he did not need it anymore. I am bringing the map that broke to the secondhand store, hopefully they can still fix it and resell it. Also, something about minimalism, today I terminated a customer card at Kruidvat (a Dutch store). I never buy anything there but I did still have a card. I donated the credit which was still on there to a charity and terminated the account. Ah, that feels good! Another useless item out of my life.

I am free from work today. For breakfast I tried something new again: vegan pancakes! I did this because I want to vary my diet a bit more, with all meals throughout the day. Also, I decided to put some of the clothes I am getting rid off but haven’t brought to the secondhand store yet, on Vinted. This is an app for secondhand clothing. I wanted to see if I could maybe earn some money still. I put all the items on there and I immediately sold two items and so I earned 10 euros. Honestly, I can really recommend using the app, it’s quite easy and you can give your clothes a new life this way.

When I made some breakfast today, I noticed I was really craving fruit. The more fruit I eat, the more I crave it. I guess that’s a good thing! I ate some fruit with seeds and soy yoghurt. Dad and I went to Germany to an Deutsche Bahn office (we live near the border). I was trying to buy some train tickets for my upcoming holiday in August, to Budapest (I am going to Sziget again). I tried to buy them online but it did not work and so we went to the office from DB. The lady there told me I was a little too early still and so I hope I can book the train tickets in the coming weeks. Last year I went on a holiday with friends to Albufeira, but I went there by train on my own. This year, my friends are coming with me by train! That makes me so happy! And so you see, you can actually influence people around you in a positive way. The first names of the Sziget line-up came up today! There are some a-ma-zing names coming. Dua Lipa, Stormzy, Lewis Capaldi, Loyle Carner, Khalid and much more! I am stoked!

Favorite song of the week:
Tones and I – Never Seen the Rain
Yours sincerely,