Hi there and welcome back into my weekly diary! In this diary I want to show you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis. What choices do I make and what do I do on a daily basis? The past week I went on a small holiday to The Hague and my boyfriend and me got an apartment in Groningen! Want to read along? Here’s eco-positive weekly diary #129.
I wanted to keep this day all empty to see what I would do. However, at about 11:30 AM (when I just woke up haha) I got a call from my boyfriend, saying that I could go and see an apartment in Groningen! We’re moving to Groningen together and so we are searching for an apartment. I rushed to the car (without eating because I had little time) and drove to Groningen (Normale I use public transportation, but I wouldn’t make it by train and so I went by car). I missed a turn and I panicked. In the end, I just made it. I walked in just as the group for the tour was going upstairs (it’s an apartment on the 4th floor). The apartment looked great and we signed up as a candidate! I went home, had some amazing vegan pasta and went on to training! Busy day in the end.
It’s time for a small holiday! Today two friends and I are going to The Hague. By train, in our own country. Hello sustainable holiday! We arrived after 3 hours and rented some bikes. They cost 3,85 euros a day and it’s the most sustainable way to travel within the city. We slept in a hostel. Cheap, but also quite sustainable since you sleep with a lot of people in a small room (8 of us). It cost 56 euros for 2 nights per person. Great if you ask me! It was a lovely place, the hostel is called Golden Stork. We went for some snacks at the supermarket since we were going to the beach (it was about 31 degrees Celcius). I bought carrots and grapes that were about to expire and so I saved some food (which is quite sustainable). Along I bought chips with seaweed and some guacamole. At the beach I got a call from my boyfriend, we got the apartment!! That means I’m officially moving to Groningen really soon!! Woohooooo. This weekend will be a celebration. We went out to a vegan restaurant (if I can call it that) that night, but it was quite a disaster so I won’t mention it here haha.
Another day in The Hague. We went for breakfast at Happy Tosti, which had one vegan option fortunately. After this, we went sightseeing in The Hague and did some shopping too. We had lunch at the Foodhallen, which I can really recommend! At night we went for dinner at The Leaf, a vegetarian restaurants which was quite okay. Afterwards we went to the beach to watch the sunset! That was amazing! I love the beach so much, I wish I lived nearby it. We bought some snacks at a local beach club and it was just one special night.
Time for breakfast (yes, this weekend is all about food haha!)! We went to Foam, a vegan place for breakfast and lunch. Gosh, this was amazing! I had a sushi bowl which was sooo good. Afterwards I had even more, a cookie ánd cheesecake. We did again some sightseeing in The Hague and afterwards I went to an all vegan supermarket. I bought loooads of things! Vegan egg, tuna, cheese sauce and more. My bank account didn’t like it but I have a lot to try the coming months! We had a lovely dinner at my friend’s fathers’s house. He made some lovely vegan tempeh for me. At night I went to my boyfriend’s place and the weekend in The Hague ended.
After a busy weekend, it was time for a day for myself. I made myself some breakfast, including one of the vegan egg sorts I bought. It was amazing. Together with some kala namak I think it would taste like the real thing. I also moved my blog today! I wanted a new host to get some more functionalities. After I did the work for that I watched Netflix till dinner haha. When my boyfriend came home that night we went to IKEA to for some room inspiration (we weren’t going to buy anything, I want everything to be secondhand).
I went back home to Enschede by train. Once back home I focussed on my blog again. I moved yesterday but today I had to re-do all the settings. I changed the lay-out a bit too, I hope you like it! It’s not all done yet, it’s a work in progress haha, it will always be.
I woke up quite early again today, it is time to get my sleep rhythm back a little. I went to my grandparents to help grandma out, she has a new phone. While I was there I got some boxes and other things to pack up my stuff the coming days. After work I harvested some things from my garden, carrots and peas. My garden is almost all empty for me moving out. I also received some shampoo again, plasticfree from Zaailingen.
Song of the week: Tash Sultana – Cigarettes
Yours sincerely,