Hi there! Welcome back into my eco-positive weekly diary. In this diary I try to show you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like. I try to highlight the sustainable things like food, traveling and shopping, but also the fun things that happen to me! I hope to bring a mix of sustainability and fun. The past week I packed my stuff to move, went to Amsterdam and painted a wall in our new apartment! Want to read along? Here’s eco-positive weekly diary #130.
Today was mostly about packing my stuff to move to Groningen. My boyfriend and are going to sign our rental contract tomorrow and so I am trying to take as much stuff as I can with me already. All of the stuff I am taking with me to Groningen is secondhand and things I already own. The only thing I have bought new this far is paint. It is however a sustainable paint from Fairf, the best I could find since I could never find this specific color secondhand. I also am bringing a lot of food that’s left from my stock from my old webshop Loose. This brings us a good start when we officially move.

My boyfriend picked me up by car to go to Groningen! Exciting! We signed our contract and moved the stuff I brought with me in already. Unfortunately, we didn’t have much time to celebrate. My boyfriend had a dinner appointment and brought me about halfway home, to Zwolle station, so I could go home by train (which is the most sustainable way to travel on long distances). Once in Zwolle I was sooo hungry. I didn’t bring any food (stupid, this always means waste). At first, I wanted to get some fries but I was really in a good mood and so I went for a more healthy choice: a tofu bowl with vegetables. I am not always capable to make a healthy choice and that’s okay, I just do it when I can!

Today I made two very sustainable meals: after a long while some vegan grilled cheese sandwiches and a pasta with the peas from my own garden which I had picked past Wednesday! During the day I spend some time in our pool. I know, that isn’t sustainable at all. I didn’t make the decision (I still live with my parents). But since it was there, I decided to make use of it anyway. In my own home, I would never set up a pool, but I would go to a local lake.

Today was, again, about packing. Tomorrow I am going to Groningen again to paint one wall of our new apartment with my grandpa (he used to be a plasterer). I packed the car again with as much stuff as I could since we were going there anyway and I might as well take stuff with me. In our local supermarket I found some vegan sausages on discount because they were about to expire. I took them home for dinner since saving food is the most sustainable to buy food. They weren’t so good as I expected, I would only buy them again to try them for a barbecue.

Painting day! I took off at 8 AM with my grandpa to Groningen. We were there at about 10:30 AM and took out all the stuff I had packed and started painting. I was a little bit scared because I didn’t know if the color was right, we had enough paint or whether the idea I had was going to turn our all right. I wanted to paint the wall about half, so we needed to make a straight line. My grandpa did amazing and it turned our beautiful! We drove back home afterwards I went to play some handball again with our team.

Somehow, I was exhausted from painting the wall and moving some stuff yesterday. I slept until noon! There were a lot of things to do again and so I started right away. I needed to edit my vlog for my Youtube channel, vacuum clean the car at grandpa’s (since we used it yesterday and it was dirty), make sure we have electricity, water and internet at our new place and do some groceries. Crazy!
Today I am going to Amsterdam to see a friend! We met last year during our premaster and since I went back to Enschede, it is a long way. I was excited to see her again! We went to the Amsterdamse Bossen (a lake) to swim, which was sooo good. It felt amazing to be back! For dinner we went to the Vegan Junk Food bar, one of my favorites. Afterwards, we went for drinks in a big park for drinks with our student association. It was a fantastic day!

My favorite song of the week: Regard, RAYE – Secrets
Yours sincerely,