Hi there! Welcome back into my personal weekly diary. In this diary I try to show you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis. What habits have I created that make my life eco-positive? And what choices do I make? You can read all that here. The past week I celebrated my birthday, therefore baked a vegan cake and published more Youtube-videos than I usually do. Want to read along? Here’s eco-positive weekly diary #136.
Today was all about buying groceries. Tomorrow I’ve invited some people for my birthday (not too many, it is COVID-19 proof). My intentions were to buy mostly zero waste snacks, but I had to lower my goals because it was a bit too much. It became all organic and 100% vegan, which is good too. I had to go to three different stores to accomplish that, but it worked out! I have vegan nuggets and spring rolls, nachos and vegan dips and toast with vegan dips (and ingredients for two types of cakes I will bake). And a good dose of alcohol of course. I bought myself a special drink: the vegan Horchata from Liquor 43, I’ve never tried it before so I’m really curious for tomorrow!

Tonight, I invited some friends over for my birthday. That’s why I am going to bake a cake today! A vegan strawberry cake and vegan apple crumble. I was a little nervous because I had never done the strawberry cake before. But! It all worked out fine. Yesterday I had even found strawberries which were about to expire, that makes the cake even more sustainable! When people came over, they all said they really like the cake. I made two types because tomorrow and the day after I am also celebrating my birthday in Enschede with some family and friends (very small scale just like today due to corona).

It’s my birthday! I’m turning 22 today. Gosh, it has been a good year! I had graduated at the University of Applied Sciences, had the time of my life during my pre-master, worked in production for quite a while and I feel like I’ve grown a lot (mostly because I learned about intersectional feminism). This coming year is the first year I am not going to school and so I am hoping to let other dreams come true. I want to start dancing again, start volunteering again, start piano lessons and maybe go into politics (read about my entire bucket list here). It’s time to stop procrastinating and do the things I want, now.

Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday at my mom’s place, where grandma came over. Today I am celebrating it with my dad, where two friends and my grandma and grandpa came over. I didn’t have enough cake still and all the vegan shops were closed, so I was forced to buy an extra non-vegan cake. It was about to expire and it was the best option available. Well, shit happens. It was a fun day! We barbecued all together. It did however feel a little weird with this 1.5 meter distance we have to keep. Next year I hope things will be different again.

My boyfriend and I stayed in Enschede till the evening today. I didn’t have much to do and so this gave me the opportunity to record a video for my Youtube-channel. It’s about my impact of 2019/2020, which I also wrote a post about. I also went to the city center to buy a sustainable postcard, but the shop was closed. I had to go with a ‘normal’ card unfortunately. At night, we went to my boyfriend’s parents house. We went by train, all sustainable.

Not such an informative day, buy quite productive for me. I edited two videos for my Youtube-channel, including a new taste test video. I worked on this blog and watched some Sofie Senden videos, a perfect day!
I had plans to pick up worms for my new worm bin and then go to Groningen. However, a friend of my boyfriend and I is coming to Groningen on Friday and so we could drive along with him. Picking up the worms would be way more expensive and so I decided not to go. I am going to order the worms online. Someone asked me the other day: since you’re vegan, isn’t it unethical that you are going to keep worms in a bin? I have thought about it, but I haven’t come up with an opinion yet. Any thoughts on that? I am in doubt.
Favorite song of the week: Stormzy ft. Aitch – Pop Boy
Yours sincerely,