This is the very first blogpost for the theme ‘What you should know’ on my blog. This post is about a very simple sustainable switch, but at the same time it is a beautiful one! When people see me using this search engine I always get a ton of fun questions my way. I am talking about: Ecosia, a sustainable search engine.
Ecosia is my replacement for Google. What Google does with her profits is okay, pretty offices with the newest gadgets, new application and all that stuff. But what Ecosia does with her profit is even better! The company plants trees with its profit! And that’s exactly what we need, since we’re facing climate change. We urgently need more forests to clean the air, create more biodiversity and take up more CO2. So, with this search engine you can make your internet use a little bit more sustainable since using the internet takes a lot of energy and resources. At this moment that I’m writing this Ecosia has planted 5,361,515 trees already!
Sustainable Search Engine
Searching the internet using Ecosia works exactly the same as with Google. You just have to set up Ecosia as your default search engine when you open Safari (or any other internet application)! After that, you’re good to go! This way searching sustainable gets a lot easier and this way we can make the world a little greener. Ah! Also a huge plus: in the right upper corner you can see your personal ‘tree-counter’. This number shows you how many trees have been planted by Ecosia due to your searches.
If you sign up for the e-mail updates from Ecosia, you get fun e-mail about what they’ve accomplished already or are working on right now. Just like this fun video about 2016. In these updates they really prove that Ecosia is a sustainable search engine.
Do you use Ecosia?
Yours sincerely,
11 thoughts on “Ecosia: The sustainable search engine”