You were maybe expecting another weekly diary today. Unfortunately, there is none. And I think there won’t be any ever again. I’m quitting the weekly diaries. I want to post this to let you know why and what else is changing. That’s because I’ve been thinking the last week and I want things to change.
Weekly Diaries
This happened completely random. One day I woke up and I didn’t see the purpose of the weekly diaries anymore. I started them 140 weeks ago (that’s almost 3 years, wow!) with the intention of showing you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis and I’ve supported that all along. Just this past week I don’t anymore, I’m quitting the weekly diaries.
I don’t want to write diaries where all the sustainable things I do are sort of hidden. I only want to write in-depth posts (like I now only do on Mondays) on different subjects. Also, I sort of felt like I was repeating the same things. There are always news things in my life, but the base will always be the same and therefore I felt like I was done with the diaries. The mission for them is complete.
I want this blog to be a sort of knowledge base. For when you think: ‘I’m visiting Berlin. Ah, I know Romee has written an oversight of all sustainable hotspots‘, ‘Deforestation. I want to know more about that I know Romee has written about it‘ or ‘I need a new pair of shoes. I know Romee has written a guide on how to buy sustainable clothing. Let’s check that again’. That’s what I want. I want clear posts with one subject. Not messy weekly diaries. And so, I’m quitting the diaries.
My Youtube Channel
I came to the same realization with my Youtube channel. I was just putting out waaay to much content in general. At least 4 times a week with my channel and blog. That’s a lot. This past week was the first time I felt like a machine and that’s not something I want. I had the weekly diaries, the regular post on Monday, the News + what you can do about it รกnd a weekly vlog. That’s too much. And so, I’m also quitting the weekly vlogs.
That’s mainly because most of my attention was going there. The goal I have for my Youtube channel is mainly the same as for this blog. I want it to be a knowledge base, with videos about one specific topic each time. The vlogs were an addition to that, to show you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis. Yet, the vlogs took most of my attention and I barely made other informative videos.
And so, I decided to make a monthly vlog. This will be the same length as the weekly vlogs, but it will be more concentrated. Only the important highlights will be in there and because it is a monthly thing, it is doable for the viewers. 4 pieces of content each week is too much for you and I realize that now. With the monthly vlogs I hope to emphasize the things I find really important. I hope I then have more time for the informative videos, like on How to Eat Sustainable for example. I want to make those once every month, or once every two months I think.
News + what you can do about it
Then the News + what you can do about it posts. I’ve been doing that for a few weeks now, as an experiment since I really like the content. I am going to keep doing it, but also in a monthly form. This way the set-up can stay the same, but it won’t be as much as every week. I find it too much. Because of that, I find myself scrolling on the internet for news every single day for hours. I hate that. I want to be online, but moderately. Finding a relevant news article every single day is too much for me. I think the posts will improve if I post them only once a month too, because I can pick the most relevant news of that month. I think it will be a huge improvement.
All in All
All this means that there will appear only one blog each week on here, plus an extra news +what you can do about it-post once a month. On my Youtube channel you will find one vlog each months and one informative video once a month or once every two months.
What I really want to emphasize is: this gives me energy! It hit me all of a sudden that the way I was doing things didn’t make me happy any longer and I didn’t pursue the goals I had for this site and my Youtube channel. This new way of doing things makes me happy! It gives me fresh energy! I love making content and I am happy I can keep doing so. It is positive thing, really. Also, I am starting a new job this week, working 32 hours a week. That would make regular vlogs and blogs about my life quite boring haha. ‘Today I worked’ and ‘Oh well, today I worked the entire day’. This new content set-up gives me more satisfaction, freedom and room for new goals to pursue (remember, politics and piano classes?).
That’s why I’m quitting the weekly diaries! What do you think?
Yours sincerely,
Good for you Romee. Je moet op de juiste eieren broeden. Tip: