Today I’m sharing a book by Al Gore as a must read! Earth in Balance, a book about climate change and global warming. The biggest challenge of our time and something most of my readers try to battle I suppose. Al Gore battles it too, just on a different level! Today I’ll tell you about…
Category: Books, documentaries, films, series and podcasts
In this category I share all the books, documentaries, films, series and podcasts that I personally think you should know about. Books, films, documentaries, series and podcasts are an amazing and often accessible way to learn more about specific topics. I value personal growth since I think it can make us better and more compassionate person. Good rescources can play a role in this personal growth for me personally.
Documentary: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
The past week I watched two documentaries. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2. They were both on my list and on available on Netflix! It concerns a subject I’m very passionate about: a healthy diet. In this case about a whole-food plant-based diet. It’s about a guy named Joe…
Documentary: The 11th Hour
Some documentaries make me nervous. Nervous for what’s to come, but also nervous about what’s happening now already. The 11th Hour is such a documentary, because it really brings across a message: we need to combat climate change if we still want to live on this planet for the coming decades. And that’s why I…
Documentary: The Cove
The first time that I can remember seeing a dolphin is one I remember well. I was 11 years old and on a holiday in Egypt. The dolphins swam by our boat! A fantastic moment for everybody on the boat and dolphins too I hope. Now, 7 years later, I see dolphins again. Very different,…
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
The past week I was sick, I had a bad flu. However, I felt like this was a good moment to share about happiness. Because I felt so grateful now that I gotten better again. A good moment to share the book: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. A book about creating good habits and…
The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner
Longevity fascinates me. Why do some people live 70 years? And why do others live 110 years? Some people die extremely fit still and some die in pain. How does this work? This is not a post in which I am going to tell you how you’ll live 110 years, because well, I simply can’t….
Series: De Prijsvechter
This week I am sharing a must watch from VPRO. VPRO is a Dutch platform and so this series is in Dutch. This series is about consumers. The fact that we buy so much stuff for so little money. And at what as expense? We live in a consumeristic society today and that’s taking its…
The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard
‘How our obsession with stuff is trashing the planet, our communities and our health – and a vision for change’. Yes, she immediately says the right thing, huh? This is what Annie Leonard says about ‘The Story of Stuff’, this line is written on the front of the book. I read the book during my…
What you should know about planned obsolescence
This documentary was on my list for a long time, but well, my list of documentaries I still want to see is endless anyway. The Light Bulb Conspiracy is a documentary of 52 minutes (short) about planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence, what? Planned obsolescence of products, it exists. Even though it sounds ridiculous, it really exists….
The Life-Changing Art of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
This week I’m writing about Marie Kondo. Marie Kondo is a decluttering-celebrity. A few years ago, I didn’t even know that was a thing. She runs a consultancy, to help people declutter their house (and life). She is also the author of two books. A friend of mine had both the books and lend them…