So far I’ve shared 8 podcast tips with you. 4 podcast tips in May 2020 and 4 podcast tips in May 2021. However, I currently have 65 podcasts on my list! I am obviously not listening to all of them at the same time, but all of them are important to me. And since I…
Category: Books, documentaries, films, series and podcasts
In this category I share all the books, documentaries, films, series and podcasts that I personally think you should know about. Books, films, documentaries, series and podcasts are an amazing and often accessible way to learn more about specific topics. I value personal growth since I think it can make us better and more compassionate person. Good rescources can play a role in this personal growth for me personally.
Documentary: Miss Americana
I guess I don’t have many idols. I mean, I have examples and people who inspire me, but almost never a superstar. Also, I have never screamed over a popstar. I have never been that girl who had posters of a specific idol on the wall. Artists are just people to me, so I never…
Knap voor een Dik Meisje by Tatjana Almuli
It’s crazy how many blind spots I keep discovering over the years of reading non-fiction books. I keep learning about the world around me. And even more important: about the people around me. I keep learning about different perspectives. Today I want to talk about fatshaming, body neutrality and fatphobia. The book ‘Knap voor een…
4 Podcast Tips – May 2021
Currently, I am listening to 58 different podcasts! A year or 3 ago, that number was 0. I’ve grown to loving podcasts more and more over the years. In 2020, when I had a job in production, I was listening about 8 hours of podcasts a day. I was a little addicted haha! However, over…
Series: Schuldig
Now that I am growing older I realize how important it is to see life from a different perspective. How different people have different problems, how different people see politics, how different people see life. I think this is important to keep connected and to live with compassion. When you live inside a bubble and…
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
It’s time for another must read on this blog. It’s a book I read a long time. When I read it, it took me months to finish it. I found it so interesting and I read some pages multiple times. It’s a book which was very popular when it came out and there’s also a…
Sletvrees by Sunny Bergman
Intersectional feminism. Equality for all, that’s what it comes down to. It’s what intersectional feminists want. But aren’t all people already equal? That’s a question I get asked a lot. People get angry at feminists. Women can work, get into politics and do what they want. Well, not exactly. There are so many subjects to…
Series: Sex Education
This show isn’t exactly about diversity itself, more about subjects that are considered taboo. However, it’s not build to be informative. It has a narrative and in that way it is just like any other series on Netflix. But then again it isn’t alike others at all. This is a series that shows what a…
Understanding Everyday Racism by Philomena Essed
It’s time for me to share something about racism, which is an important part of intersectional feminism. I am truly ashamed that the Black Lives Matter protests have been the first thing to actually trigger me to learn more about racism. Racism is not something new, it’s just that I took action way too late….
De Kanarie in de Kolenmijn by Marianne Thieme and Ewald Engelen
A book about economics? I would understand this surprise when you read this title. Politics, yes, that’s what I’m passionate about. But economics? You’d be surprised, but I am passionate about that too. But mostly about how our current economical system is disrupting the planet (with the living being on it) and how we can…