Growing up, I learned about dieting really soon. I think I tried my first diet around the time I was twelve. Even though I was young, I remember it very well: it was the Sonja Bakker diet (a well-known Dutch diet). I hated every part of it. I was hungry all day and during exercising…
Category: Books, documentaries, films, series and podcasts
In this category I share all the books, documentaries, films, series and podcasts that I personally think you should know about. Books, films, documentaries, series and podcasts are an amazing and often accessible way to learn more about specific topics. I value personal growth since I think it can make us better and more compassionate person. Good rescources can play a role in this personal growth for me personally.
Series: When They See Us
As someone who is white, I find it hard to say something about racism. I don’t experience it, so who am I to speak up about it? However, shutting up is too easy for me. I have a part in it, everyone has. I hope my part is to educate, like I do on other…
Series: ‘Gefileerd’
Before you read any further, I must tell you something first. The show I am about to share is broadcasted on Dutch television, so it therefore is in Dutch. I like to have consistency in my blog, that’s why is blogpost is in English. So, if you’re not Dutch, you probably can’t understand the show….
Green Living for Dummies by Liz Barciay
Inspiration for a sustainable lifestyle is always good if you’d ask me. I read a lot of books and from each book I learn something new. If you have to come up with all the solutions yourself every time you have a sustainability problem, life would be harder than it should be. That’s where books…
Documentary: Tapped
Water. I would guess that it’s the most urgent need for almost everyone on this planet. An average person can last just three days without water, which is not long if you ask me. Maybe it’s because of it’s importance, because there are many current problems concerning water. Scarcity, floods and pollution. And even within…
Let’s Go Green by Sustainable Susan
There are a few books that tell you a lot about a sustainable lifestyle. I’ve already shared the one book I think is most important, The Hidden Impact by Babette Porcelijn. Yet, today I want to share another book which is just alike it, just a little bit less concrete but very broad. A book…
Veroudering Vertragen by Kris Verburgh
Yes, another book about longevity! I love books about longevity! And I also keep sharing them, because I really hope people around me will read them too. Not that I am perfect and others are not. It’s just that I see harmful behaviour around me and I think not everybody is aware of these mistakes….
4 Podcast tips – May 2020
As you might know, I am currently working about 50 hours a week. This is the reason I stopped doing my weekly diaries on this blog (which will resume on 1st of August, don’t worry!). I have a production job, so a lot of hours I am doing the same thing over and over again….
Sleeping Naked is Green by Vanessa Farquharson
I personally love non-fiction books about living a sustainable lifestyle. I like to know the facts, the things that matter the most, the impact of my choices. But sometimes I like a different green book too, a personal one. It’s great to read about someone else’s choices, someone else’s struggles and their findings. And so…
What you need to know about GMO’s
There’s a subject I’ve been learning more about the past years, which is not really that relevant for me personally. It’s not really something I come in contact with, since it’s forbidden where I live, The Netherlands. However, I do like to learn about global challenges and problems. One opposed solution to the global food…