It’s kind of weird that I will be writing about a dating app. That’s because I have never used one. I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for almost 9 years now, since I was 17. And before that I was at an age where you don’t really need a dating app, I met loads of…
Category: Organizations and apps
Some organizations and apps are just awesome. They are inspirational and/or can help you with making your life more sustainable. From Greenpeace to the Cronometer App, from small to big. They deserve to get credits and to be in the spotlight. That’s why I list them in this subcategory.
Organic Maps: a fair alternative to Google Maps
As you might have read, I moved out of Amsterdam last week. And while moving my stuff by car my friend asked me: ‘What a weird navigation app you have! What is it?’. Today I want to tell you about that weird app, haha. And one day I hope it will be the norm, as…
Finding Vegan Restaurants: HappyCow
Past Monday I came back from my holiday. I traveled to Budapest with my partner and two friends (the coming weeks I’ll tell you more about the traveling itself). Today I want to talk about another sustainability aspect while on the road: vegan food. I personally find the Netherlands a walhalla for vegan food (but…
Destroying CO2 with Carbon Killer
I hear a lot of people around me complaining about the role of industry in this climate crisis. Why should we individuals change when industry just keeps on polluting? Earlier I wrote a post on why we shouldn’t think like that and that we all have a role in this crisis. But even if you…
Using Signal instead of WhatsApp
There are many problems we face as humanity these days. The climate crisis for example. Today I want to discuss a problems which really has been an underlying problem for all other problems. Fake news. It’s a scary one. It can change people’s view on the world. That the climate crisis is a hoax. That…
Rescuing Food with Too Good To Go
Today, my dear readers, I have another example of how living a sustainable lifestyle does not have to be expensive. It’s such a shame that people think that a sustainable lifestyle is expensive. The example I am sharing today is about food. Rescuing food. If you rescue food you can get food at a really…
Game to combat Hunger: FreeRice
I guess you know all the charity commercials very well, just like me. The commercials where they show the awfully poor, sick and skinny children, who are about to die. These commercials always break my heart. I think almost everybody has something to give, but maybe that’s not always money. And so, what if you…
Nutrition app: Cronometer
The last few years my view on weight and body image has changed a lot. Where I used to focus on a quite random number on a scale and count how many calories I consumed, I am all about body positivity now. I am realizing more and more how important it is to love yourself…
Het Plasticdieet (the plastic diet)
Before I start, I should say that this post is the most interesting for Dutch people. Because, today, I want to share some more about ‘Het Plasticdieet‘ (the plastic diet)! As you might have read in my Weekly diary, I was a speaker at the kick-off event of ‘Het Plasticdieet’ and I am very excited about…
App: Beat the Microbead
Today, for the first time ever, I want to share an app with you! This app can help you avoid plastics, very small plastics. So small that you usually can’t even see them. Micro-plastics. They pollute the environment. Micro-plastics end up in the oceans, in animals and also: in humans. It is a good thing…