Since I shared this week that I’ve started a Youtube channel of my own, I thought it’d be a great moment to highlight other Youtube accounts. Unfortunately for you, but fortunately for my personal time, I only have two Youtube account which I’m addicted to. I’ve seen all their videos, so I can recommend these with intention! Here are my two favourite Youtube channels.
Just two?
Yes. I am not such a hardcore Youtube viewer. I watch a few videos here and there, but there’s only two channels I love and of which I’ve seen all videos. However, I do still have a list on my phone of channels that might be interesting, but I haven’t made time free to start watching those. So, for now it’s just two channels, but in the future maybe more!
What channels I like
I do like to watch things with intention. I watch videos about veganism, zero waste, minimalism, anything conscious and mindful really. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t even get lost in the black hole called Youtube. Where you end up watching crazy cat videos. Yeah, I have those days too. But mostly, I watch things intentionally. Here are my two favourite Youtube channels:
The Messy Minimalist
I’ve mentioned being addicted to this channel a few times in my weekly diaries already. This is a woman who just decided to declutter her life and put it all on camera. You see the beautiful parts, but the ugly truth too. I am still blown away by the size of her house and the amount of stuff she has. I guess that’s an American thing. But still, after so much decluttering! She is doing so well. And somehow it’s so satisfying to see someone else declutter. Maybe it feels like I am decluttering myself or something. I don’t know what it is. I just love this channel.
Sofie Senden
For the readers in English here: this channel is not for you. Unless you speak Dutch very well, since this is a Dutch channel, or Flemish I should say. This girl is such an inspiration to me! Just, unbelievable. She’s funny and her videos are amazing. She started this Youtube channel by vlogging, but over the course of time she also started sharing more about veganism, zero waste and saving animals! And now, she even has her own animal sanctuary! As I said, she is goals. Seeing how she saves animals in need is so heart-warming. I love watching videos with animals (remember the crazy cat videos?), so this is the perfect combination. A young vegan girl who saves animals. I didn’t even know this could exist. A true aspiration.
As I said, I had just two Youtube channels for you today. I hope you’ll enjoy them just as much as I do!
What are your favorite Youtube channels?
Yours sincerely,
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