Shampoo. Some people use it daily, others once a week and some don’t use it at all (yes, really!). Most people buy shampoo in plastic bottles. So, for those people the following rule applies: the more you wash your hair, the more plastic waste. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. Washing your hair…
Zero Waste Lunching
You might have read this in the ‘about me‘ section: I’m a student. And as a student, I usually go to school five days of the week. That’s a huge chunk of my time and so I have to eat at school too, just like any other student. We have a fairly okay kanteen at…
Zero Waste Ketchup Recipe
This week a blogpost in a new category: Recipes! As you can see above, I have made some ketchup the past week. Ketchup is something I have never been able to find without packaging. It is however something I like to eat very much and so I had one option left: putting on my cook’s…
Zero Waste Make-Up Remover
A while back I wrote a blogpost about a zero waste alternative for cotton pads. These pads can be used for anything, but I mostly use them for removing make-up from my face. Yes, I live zero waste and am all about self-love, but I do wear make-up from time to time. One doesn’t rule out…
A zero waste alternative to single-use bottles
A drinking bottle. Most people I know have one. You can buy different sorts, in different sizes. It’s an amazing alternative to single-use bottles. A reusable bottle is an item which I always carry with me in my bag, it is a zero waste essential. Today I am telling you more about it.
Ecosia: The sustainable search engine
This is the very first blogpost for the theme ‘What you should know’ on my blog. This post is about a very simple sustainable switch, but at the same time it is a beautiful one! When people see me using this search engine I always get a ton of fun questions my way. I am…
Zero waste handkerchiefs
Autumn has officially begun and for many of us this means sniveling and blowing our noses. And what do you use for that? Handkerchiefs (I hope)! Unfortunately a single use handkerchief doesn’t live a long life, you blow your nose once (or twice?) and hop, into the bin (often to landfill (!), because in The…
Zero Waste Shaving
The ‘usual’ shaving blades are often single use. And where do these single use items end up? Right, landfill. That just so happens to be the place where I don’t want to see them. What’s the alternative? The safety razor, the zero waste way of shaving!
Zero Waste Soap
This blogpost is about soap. You can use soap for just about anything. To wash your hair or body under the shower, to shave (yes, I use soap as shaving cream in combination with my safety razor), or to wash your hands after you’ve been to the bathroom. Yet, there is one thing very special…
Zero Waste Cotton Pads
Cotton pads. As a girl who wears make-up, I can hardly live without them. A little bit of make-up remover on there and you can scrub. But then what? Jep, after just one use these pads end up at landfill. That has to change! Today I am telling you about zero waste cotton pads!