Hi there! Welcome back into my personal weekly diary. You have probably (and hopefully haha) missed it last week. I was on a holiday for 10 days, to Fuerteventura. More than an entire week under the sun at the beach. But! I am back today with a new weekly diary for you. The week I…
Category: Personal
In this category you’ll find all the posts about me. I hope for this site to be platform to find all sorts of information on, but I also want to you to know me and who I am. Hopefully, these posts can help to do that. I share my entire life on this blog, and I consider it my life work. This category is therefore quite personal, but I find honesty important.
Weekly diary #17; follow me on Twitter
Hi, great that you’re here! The past week I made a Twitter account, made use of the ‘Doe maar lekker duurzaam!’ (‘Do it sustainable!’) action from the Albert Heijn and I had a lof new inspiration after a TEDx livestream. Here’s weekly diary #17.
Weekly diary #16; I’ve gone vegan
Hi! After the way too late weekly diary last week, I am right on time this week with a new one. The past week I sold some stuff one Marktplaats (the Dutch e-bay), I discovered a great Youtube-account and I finally went fully vegan! Weekly diary #16.
Weekly diary #15; I went to the sauna
Hi, great that you’re here to take another look at my weekly diary. This past week I went to dinner for my birthday twice, my holiday started and I went the sauna! Here’s weekly diary #15.
Weekly diary #14; I went to an Energy Trade Fair
Hi! This past week I shared a post about my new low (plastic) waste concealer, went to an Energy Trade Fair and I felt like a real stay-at-home person. Here’s weekly diary #14.
Weekly diary #13; an e-mail from Greenpeace!
Welcome to another new weekly diary, fresh off the press! For once I wasn’t lost in Amsterdam, I received a great e-mail from Greenpeace and I bought some secondhand clothes this past week. Here’s weekly diary #13.
Weekly diary #12: I still celebrated my birthday
This week I still celebrated my birthday with people, I watched a new documentary and the new handball season started! Here’s weekly diary #12.
Weekly diary #11; I feel famous
Hi! Thanks for reading these weekly diaries. The past week I planted some new seeds in my garden, received some plants as a gift for my birthday and I felt famous. Here’s weekly diary #11.
Weekly diary #10: I celebrated my birthday!
Hi and welcome back to this 10th weekly diary! I’ve decided to elaborate the titles a little bit as you can see haha. Here’s weekly diary #10: I celebrated my birthday!
Weekly diary #9
Hi! This is already the second week of school again. I attended new courses, went to handball training and sold some stuff again on Marktplaats (the Dutch e-bay). Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #9.