As a person, the most sustainable thing you can do is stop buying new stuff. And since I’m trying to live as sustainable as I can, I took the pledge to not buy anything new. Last year I wrote about everything I bought new in 2018. But, sometimes you do actually need things. I don’t think I can buy nothing for the rest of my life, and that wouldn’t be fun. But luckily, there is a solution! Thrifting. Buying things secondhand, so no new resources are needed. And that’s exactly what I did. Here’s my thrift haul from February 2019.
What I needed
I barely ever go thrift shopping when I don’t need anything. Why go then, right? So, for today I had planned to look for certain things. And I found almost all of them! However, when I go thrift shopping I sometimes come across rare beauties in my opinion, that’s the fun of thrift shopping! Nobody else has these things and it barely costs you a thing. Win for the earth, win for your uniqueness and win for your wallet! So, I did also buy some other things, aside from what I needed. Because, well, I like special things and when I like something thrifted I usually buy it. I needed two plastic bins for a project coming up (more about that soon!), some storage jars, a new water bottle, and two fitted sheets in white because I’m sick of the current ones I have.
What I bought
I went to two different thrift stores today, since I had a full day off from work. Both ‘Kringloop Enschede’ en ‘Het Goed’ were the stores I went to. I bought a water bottle, some storage jars, two plastic bins, a thing for up my wall (I don’t know how to call it), a knitted piece of art in a frame and a rug! The two plastic bins, two storage jars, the knitted piece of art and that thing for up my wall I bought at ‘Kringloop Enschede’ at it all cost me 6 euro’s! This store is sooo cheap! The rug cost me 19,95 euro’s, the water bottle 50 cents and some more storage jars together 2,25 euro’s. All a total of 28,70 euro’s! Not expensive at all.

Why I love all this
Well, the decoration things speak for themselves I think. I just thought they were all amazingly beautiful, especially the rug stole my heart. The storage jars I need for myself and the big one for my package free webshop Loose, to store some stock. I lost my water bottle so I needed another one. I decided to go with this plastic one. Me, buying plastic? Yes! Because it is thrifted, that makes it okay for me. No new resources are needed and so this plastic bottle is okay for now.
What did you think of my thrift haul from February 2019?
Yours sincerely,
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