Hi there! Welcome back into my weekly diary. In this weekly diary I try to show you what an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis. How do I reduce my negative impact and increase my positive impact? The past week I had a vegan sushi lunch, have been sick for a day and had my first exam Sustainability and Environmental Change. Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #108.
Today I spend most of my time studying. Next weeks I have two exams. Afterwards I went to my grandma, it was her birthday. Spending time with family is always good. At night I had handball training, but in Enschede this time! Since I am in Enschede this week I asked if I could train with my old team for once. It was a lot of fun, playing handball always feels good, but with my old teammates it felt even better. We had a drink afterwards! Also, today the bloggers Nicky and Jessie from HetZeroWasteProject wrote a blogpost about the expansion of Loose! So kind! And amazing!

Off to the gym! And after that, again long hours of studying. At lunchtime I met up with one of my best friends to go for sushi at Ginza in Enschede. They have a lot of vegan sushi options there and so I love to go there. We had a lovely time. Sushi is my favorite food of all times, I can eat it anytime. My favorite is the flamed avocado, hmmmm.

I woke up sick. I tried to go to work still but I was too sick. A wonderful colleague of mine took my hours and I went home where I slept all day.
I felt a lot better today but since I had some work planned yesterday there were some things to do today. In the morning I made a new batch of zero waste deodorant and I finished a bottle of essential oil for the first time (I got it from my mom about four years ago and at the time I thought it was almost empty, these things last so long!) and so I do have some waste now, because I can’t find essential oils zero waste or plastic free. Good thing these bottles last forever! I caught up on my homework and finished the blogpost about The Game Changers which was planned for tomorrow. At night I had a delivery for Loose! Always good to bring some package free groceries to people! At night I watched Zondag met Lubach (a Dutch tv comedy) and also I watched an episode of the series Why We Hate on Discovery. The world and the people on it are divided today and this show tells us the science behind it. Very interesting! But concerning too.

Since I felt better I could go to the gym again, that feels good! I did some taxes afterwards and studied again for the upcoming exams. During my break I went into the city centre to pick up my video camera. It had broken a while ago (this is why I haven’t posted anything on Youtube the past weeks). I had brought it to MediaMarket (where I bought it years ago) to see what was wrong with it. They sent it to the technical team and they said it works perfectly fine and that I could pick it up again. I was so surprised and the guy that had sent it to the technical team for me was too. He saw it did not work. But now, when I picked it up it worked! I was very happy but once back home it didn’t work any longer. So frustrating! Same story with my watch. It didn’t work anymore and so I ordered a new battery. I put the battery in but it still didn’t work. I wanted it to be repaired since I don’t throw things away. Repairing is zero waste! Once in front of the store I checked my watch and all of a sudden it was working again. All this is so strange! At night I cooked a vegan dinner and my boyfriend came over.

I woke up to help my stepdad with something. His car had to go to the garage and so I had to pick him up since the car stayed there. My watch is still very strange, sometimes it runs too fast and sometimes too slow. Ugggh! I don’t know what to do. I can try to get it repaired but I have to see if they can guarantee it will work again (not like with my camera). My boyfriend came up with the brilliant idea to start vlogging with my phone. I bought a very good one recently and I can just film with that he said. What a great idea! This way I don’t have to buy another secondhand camera since mine is broken. Very minimalistic! So, today on I will start vlogging again! Finally! I enjoy vlogging a lot. A package came in today too, low-waste mascara. A mascara that comes in a tin and they sent it in paper. I saw it on Etsy and wanted to try that so I ordered it. I hadn’t found entirely plastic-free low waste mascara up until now. Today I studied a lot home while I waited for the local thrift shop to come pick up my old bed. I recently got a better one (secondhand) and so this one can go to someone else. It took a while before they came and so afterwards I was in a rush to go to Haarlem again. I wanted to go to the handball training at 19:30 but it takes 3 hours to travel there. In the end it took me 4,5 hours because of delay and maintenance on the tracks. No handball for me.

Judgement day! Or well, exam day. I felt ready and so I went to school with confidence. I sometimes do have a hard time when other people are nervous, that makes me question my confidence again. Anyway, it went well! At least, I think so. After the exam I went back home to study for the second exam of tomorrow. I ended up studying a bit but I felt like I had done enough already. I had planned on finishing studying for both tests on Tuesday and so today I read over my notes briefly. Yes, I am ready for tomorrow I think! Today for the first time in a long time my e-mail inbox is empty as well and that feels so good! I use it as a sort of to-do list and this gives me more space in my head haha.

How has your week been?
Yours sincerely,
4 thoughts on “Weekly diary #108: Time to finally start vlogging on a weekly basis!”