Hi, great that you’re here again. I am sharing my past week with you in this weekly diary. The past week I went trash picking, ditched class and celebrated Easter! Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #37.
Time to confess. Maybe you were surprised reading that I ditched class, I never do that. I am the biggest nerd, I always attend all classes and pass all my exams. But today I had to get up at 5:45 AM and travel 3 hour for 1,5 hours of class. And so I ditched that class. I did however go to school later because I was at my boyfriend and he had to go to school. The school is in the middle of my journey home and so I went along. I am more productive at school (and also if I don’t have to get up at 5:45 AM). It is scientifically proven that you perform better at school or at work if you sleep longer! I also printed something at school today. Tickets for a match from our local soccer team, FC Twente. I bought them for dad’s birthday. I rather gift experiences than stuff. The tickets said you had to print them to get in. Such nonsense! There can fit 30.000 people in the stadium. That’s 30.000 pieces of paper per game. Hello? It’s 2018 people. The printing system at school was changed and I couldn’t get it done. But I was lucky today. Another friendly student came by to help and printed them for me. He made my day! I went home and headed for the weekend! At night I had handball practice again.
Exciting day! Today I had a laser-appointment in the hospital. I want to get rid of my arm-pith hair once and for all and so I am doing this. No more shaving, ever! It’s expensive and painful but I have been saving for it. Today was just an intake and next week it’s really happening. After the appointment I went to the gym because the earlier in the day I go, the more motivation I have haha. Currently I am struggling with my neck. Whenever I do abs training my neck always hurts. I have more muscle pain there than in my abs haha. I have to work on that. After the gym I went trash picking with a friend. We got so many more reactions than usually today! A lot of people said they liked what we were doing and one even offered us chocolate. Also, one man said he had also done it the day before. That reaction made me most happy. Together we have so much impact! I hope we inspired people. I also want to share some trash I had today. Last year on holiday I bought a plastic toilet bag (you can read why here). It already broke today and so I need to throw it away. Luckily I have a back-up! I also found a small bottle you see on the picture below. It said lip coat but it smells very chemical and I never use it. That one is also going to the trash.

Time to make some money. I had to work again. It was a crazy day and I ended up going home at 1PM because there was nothing more to do. All of a sudden I had the whole day left. I went into the city center with dad to do some groceries. We bought the new vegan Ben & Jerry’s, chocolate fudge brownie! Hmmmm. I did some blogging at home, watched a movie with dad and meanwhile ate the Ben & Jerry’s! It is delicious.

I got up quite early and went on a big walk with dad, time to get those 10.000 steps today! Around lunch I picked up my boyfriend from the train station and we went to grandma and grandpa. The whole family came there and we were going to dinner to Het Middelpunt, a restaurant in Enschede. They have no vegan dishes on the menu and so I called on Friday to make sure they could make me something vegan. And jee they did! It was delicious. As a starter I had some lovely mushrooms and as a main couscous stew with vegetables. It tasted like Lebanese food and I loooove that. It’s the best food I’ve had in a while. The service was great, the people were very friendly. After dinner we went to a Bonfire. It’s a tradition during Easter in the east of The Netherlands. They save up all sorts of branches and wood and then lit it. I think I should be against this type of stuff (I think it’s not environmentally friendly at all), but I do always attend it with family. I don’t know, if they ban it I won’t be bothered either. And I saw someone with a FairPhone at the bonfire. Amazing!
Another free day. With Easter breakfast! But vegan of course for me. Eggs aren’t fun at all. My boyfriend was there too and since he’s been working 40 hours a week lately I really enjoy these days. We made some pictures for my upcoming webshop. I’ve been talking about it for a long time but I still haven’t finished anything. Soon! I promise. We also went for ice-cream in the city center today. They always have vegan options and so never have to miss out. For dinner we made sushi together (this day resolves around food haha). Sushi is my favorite dish ever. And to make the day even better we went to the Fun-fair! I love it, it’s like a local amusement park. And it all could be every sustainable if they use renewable energy. Easter was amazing!

Back to school. My alarm was supposed to ring at 6:30 AM but I woke up before that. Wow, that never happens. I think I am fully rested due to this weekend. I have two weeks left of this period at school. After class I stayed to make some homework. I am on track! Handball practice was cancelled today and that is so weird. My schedule is very much alike each week and it feels odd. I decided to go to the gym after school and then I was free all night!
Class was cancelled and so I was free today. I went on a morning walk with dad again. 1,5 hours and 10.000 steps, yes! I planted some new seeds for my vegetable garden inside and moved one cauliflower plant to the garden. I wasn’t planning on doing a lot today and so I went to the library to read some magazines. Unfortunately there were some people who didn’t know you have to be quiet. It was like they were having a little party. I tried not to complain and so I went home. The rest of the day I was somehow bored! That barely ever happens haha but I read that it can be good for your creativity sometimes. Of course I had homework to do but I didn’t want to hahaha. I think I’m going to the gym to kill some time.

Favorite song of the week:
Imagine Dragons
Yours sincerely,
Goed bezig met afval rapen joh. Zo gaaf dat je dat doet. Vis hier (nu de sneeuw smelt) ook weer van alles uit de bermen. Gisteren nog drie plastic zakken met visafval tussen braamstruiken. Onbegrijpelijk, want tien meter verderop is de zee, altijd wel een meeuw die je er een plezier mee doet.
In Finland beginnen middelbare scholen later, om reden die jij noemt. Ook hier in Noorwegen zijn er experimenten mee.
Fijne week had je 🙂
Jij ook goed werk! Inderdaad, zo kan in ieder geval een beestje het niet opeten. Mijn school begint om 8:30 wat best een normale tijd is. Alleen mijn trein komt om 8:00 en 8:30 aan en als ik die laatste neem dan kom ik te laat. Daarbij woon ik ook een uur reizen van school af dus dat maakt het allemaal lastig. Wel leuk die experimenten trouwens, 6:15 opstaan is geen pretje!
Jij ook goed werk! Inderdaad, zo kan in ieder geval een beestje het niet opeten. Mijn school begint om 8:30 wat best een normale tijd is. Alleen mijn trein komt om 8:00 en 8:30 aan en als ik die laatste neem dan kom ik te laat. Daarbij woon ik ook een uur reizen van school af dus dat maakt het allemaal lastig. Wel leuk die experimenten trouwens, 6:15 opstaan is geen pretje!