Hi there, welcome back into another weekly diary in which I try to share my transition to a sustainable lifestyle with positive impact. The past week my boyfriend celebrated his birthday, I thought of making my own meat-replacements and delivered another delivery for my webshop Loose! Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #47.
Yesterday night our team lost the handball game again. But, there was another game in the same sports complex and an old teammate of us was playing there. We watched a bit of the game, she plays on a much level higher than us now. Today was a regular school day. I am on schedule and have two more exams to go. After school I raced to work since a colleague needed someone to replace her. I can use the hours. Back home I decided to go to the gym and afterwards I worked on a school presentation for tomorrow.

Today we started very early at school but as long as it’s not every day of the week I can manage. After school I worked again. I wanted to work out still afterwards but it was rough and so I didn’t go. That’s okay. I watched The Handmaid’s Tale instead, I am addicted.
Someone was sick at work and so I worked on the meat department in the morning and the bakery after noon. They start an hour later at the meat-department and so I could sleep till 7:20AM! That really makes a difference. After work I made myself some dinner and I was really proud of the end result. I made some rice with onion, green beans, black beans and a tomato sauce. It was delicious! Cooking vegan doesn’t have to be difficult. After dinner I had planned to meet up with our friend group. We wanted to plan a small holiday together. I am away quite a lot this summer and I hope I can manage that with work. They don’t like it when you’re gone a lot in summer. But it’s the only time I’m free from school for a long time. After we planned the trip we played some Monopoly together, it’s my favorite game!

I am free the entire day. No handball, no work, no school. My brother had to play a baseball game today and so I decided to come along with my stepdad to watch. Baseball games take quite long, we were gone for 4 hours. But it was fun! When I decided to come along I had only 5 minutes to get ready and so I forgot my reusable drinking bottle and to put on sunscreen. Stupid, I got burned quite bad on my arms and in my face. Since I forgot my drink I bought a can of coke in the kanteen. Cans are better than plastic because they’re 100% recyclable. Luckily I did mange to bring my own food. After the game I took the food scraps back home to compost. At night I watched The Handmaid’s Tale again, surprise!

Today I was free from school but I did go to school to work on a project with a group. Eventually it took all day and so I bought some sandwiches at Jumbo in my reusable bag. I also bought the vegan chicken-curry salad again and today I thought that I could maybe make it myself one day. It seems fun and when I look at the ingredient list it shouldn’t be too hard. I can make a bigger portion with less plastic. A friend of mine at school asked me if I wanted to have a piece of clothing from her. She knows I wear only secondhand most of the time. She has the same size as I do and the item was sort of what I was looking for anyway. She’ll take it with her to school the coming days. Once back home I made myself some dinner but I liked it so much that I ate until I had a stomach ache. I waited a while for it to go away and then I went to the gym for a cycling class. Jee, those are heavy! I couldn’t even finish the entire class. I also really want to start rope jumping again too but it was stolen a while back from the gym and they’re still waiting on the new one. Once at home I watched The Handmaid’s Tale again but it was the most recent episode. This means that I have to wait every week for a new episode now. And after this season, a whole year! Sh*t! Today I also finished another Dutch book: Mijn Leven in De Wilnernis (my life in the wilderness). I would recommend it but it’s a bit wordy.

Today school started at 8:30AM and so we were done quite soon. We decided to sit with the project group right afterwards and that’s something I can recommend to all student. Get it done right away while you’re still in the flow. After school I received an e-mail from the minor I will start after the summer holiday. It’s called Health and Performance at work. The e-mail said that I have to find a company for which I can write a report during the minor. I panicked a bit since I haven’t learned anything yet. But I guess I’ll just start approaching companies and do it. It will all be fine. A teacher at school told us today that more and more student are having a burn-out. He thinks it’s because of out phones. I don’t think that’s true. I think it’s because of all the things we do. We have to go to school (which accounts for 40 hours a week), a parttime job to have some sort of income (since the government makes us loan money to go to school), keeping up with friend and family, exercising, the student association. I think that’s the reason but well, I don’t know. At night I worked at my part-time job again and packed my bags afterwards. Tomorrow is an exciting day!

Woohooo! It’s my boyfriend’s birthday. The plan was to go to him yesterday but I had an order for Loose again today. Also exciting! I will deliver the groceries in a bit, then get changed and go to Harderwijk. Tonight we’re going out to dinner to celebrate and I’m going to gift him something (spoiler: I rather gift experiences than stuff).
My favorite song of this week:
All mine
Kanye West
Yours sincerely,
Follow my personal journey on Instagram.