Hi! Welcome to another weekly diary I wrote, fresh off the press. This weekly diary is pretty short since I went on a holiday to Ameland! If you follow me on Instagram you might have heard already, I share a lot on there. Besides that I went on a holiday I also went to a wedding and I finally handed in all my exams for school! Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #50.
Today I was wondering if there’d be enough hours in the day. So much to do! My day started dramatic. This morning I was at the train station and then I realized I forgot my ov-chipcard (the ticket for the train). I went back home and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I had a tiny breakdown but eventually I found it. It was in my bag and so it was probably there all along. Unfortunately I always get into a cycle. I am upset because I lose something and then I get more upset because I’m upset. It’s stupid. But well, I made it to school on time. As a group we decided to sit all day for a project. We made good progress and then I went home again. Once home I threw some fries into the oven. I eat that a lot these days due to a lack of time. I stuffed myself quickly while I packed my bags for my holiday. Then I went to the handball field. I had agreed to be a referee in some games tonight. When I agreed to this I hadn’t realized it would be such a busy day today. But a promise is a promise. Once done I went back home quickly, packed my bags and went to the station. In the train I finished my last exams. Once in Harderwijk at my boyfriend it was already 11PM. Pfff, what a day.
Big day, my boyfriend and I were invited to a wedding from one of his friends. We were both invited for the entire day which is an honor (usually people only get invited for just the party). Very special, this is the third wedding I attend. The two before this one were very good and so I was excited! We had a lovely lunch first. They had ordered vegan tapas for me! I did forget my reusable cutlery and so I used the single-use cutlery. I was also struggling with the gift. We were gifting it with a lot of people and so it wasn’t an experience or plastic free. After lunch there was a big photoshoot and we went to the church. That was all quite new to me since I am not religious. The bride and groom both looked amazing and when they walked down to the altar I felt goosebumps. The party was amazing! It was such a good day. Fun fact: my whole outfit was secondhand today. The shoes and the dress! The necklace I wore was still from my pre-sustainable days, I once bought it at Primark and I still have it.

Saturday till Wednesday
Getting up early for another great day, I am going on a holiday! Together with dad, grandpa, grandma and my boyfriend to Ameland! Yess! I love going on holidays but this is the jackpot. It’s a local holiday since Ameland is a part of The Netherlands and therefore we can go by car! I will share a part of the holiday now but I will write a separate post about Ameland soon. The weather was amazing, sunny and blue skies. I spend most of my days relaxing, reading, biking, walking, eating delicious vegan food, sleeping long, board games, little time online and having fun. On Monday there didn’t appear a blogpost. I really wanted to give myself some time off. On Sunday my boyfriend and I went out to dinner because we celebrated our anniversary. 2,5 years of love! I enjoy every day together and I feel like the happiest and luckiest girlfriend. At the restaurant something crazy happened. We both had 3 courses and I only had to pay 30 euros. On my way home I thought this was strange, something must have gone wrong. After doubting for a long time I went back. They said I had to pay 35 more and so I did. Nobody said thank you for coming back or something. No discount. I just had to pay it all. So I came back out of goodwill and then this is how they treat me? I felt dumb. I feel like I did earn some karma points but they were very sour this way. Something else: we went trash picking on the beaches a lot. We found so many thing. From empty shampoo bottles to gloves. Everybody helped and I really loved that. I tried to eat vegan but sometimes this didn’t work for 100% because grandpa and grandma are not used to eating vegan and they sometimes served me something which wasn’t vegan. It’s okay sometimes. I still managed to eat 99% vegan because the mistakes are often because something contains a tiny bit of milk powder or something. It’s not like I ate cheese or meat. Also, when we went to eat ice-cream today I wondered whether the horn in which they put the ice-cream is vegan. I always have assumed it is but I never asked. The horn is basically a cookie and those usually contain egg or butter. From now on I will ask and pay attention to that. And since I had no control over all the groceries we had so much plastic trash. It bugs me but I can’t do much about it. When I go on a holiday by myself I can do whatever I want.

My favorite song of this week:
The Police
Yours sincerely,
Follow my personal journey on Instagram.
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