Hi there! Welcome into my weekly diary in which I want to show you how I try to live an eco-positive lifestyle. The past week wasn’t so stunning I guess. I worked, worked and volunteered at the Food Bank. Well. Let’s dive into that! Here’s weekly diary #75.
You probably are surprised, because today I worked, from 9:30 till 17:00. Good for me, I can use the hours. But, what I also wanted to tell you about that is my lunch. There are two things important to me when I work and have lunch there. 1. I should not cost me money at all (or little). At my work I can eat fruits for free, so I basically live off on that the whole day. I make sure I eat a huuuge breakfast so I’m very full, then I eat fruits for the whole day (for free) and when I come back I eat my dinner at home. When I have a very long day I sometimes take food with me from home. I never buy food at work because I still live with my parents and we have free (for me, since I don’t pay for the groceries) food at home. And so, if I bought my food at work that would be a total useless waste of money for me. So, that’s one thing I do (which may help you too, because food prepping is cheaper too, even if you buy the groceries yourself). And then, the fruits I eat are package free, so when I work I live zero waste there. I use a reusable glass to drink water. One thing I intend to do is take a container with me every day so I can take the food scraps with me to bring home and compost. I know they don’t recycle at work so every time I put the scraps in there, it goes to landfill. In landfill the food craps will not compose right and so will release a lot of methane gas (a greenhouse gas). So, that’s a goal for now!
Quite a sad and exiting day at the same time. It’s my last day as a volunteer at the Food Bank. I’ve finished school and my assignment. Working at Food Bank is not mandatory, but I wanted to do so during the assignment. But now, I wanted to make time free since my thesis will start soon. It was quite sad to say goodbye but they said I can always come back and maybe I will. But at the same time I’m also curious about other volunteering jobs, so maybe I’ll try that out after my thesis, who knows. I took home some leftover food (which the clients did not take home) and that was that. Time for a new chapter!
I worked from 12 till 8 today. In the morning I was woken up pretty early by our neighbors, so I decided to do some other thing first. I prepared another order for Loose, for tomorrow. Making package free orders is always so rewarding, it is my favorite job! At night, I watched a movie with dad, ‘The Terminal’ with Tom Hanks. I had wanted to see it for a while, and it was a very good movie! Today I also emptied my personal bin in my room. It was mostly paper (due to school), but these things below I wanted to show. A blade from my Safety Razor, trash that I cannot prevent if I want to shave. It is the lowest possible waste and it’s fully recyclable, so I’m okay with this. Then, a plastic pack of empty highlighter. I bought it years ago and now it is finally finished. These days, I only buy make-up in eco-friendly packaging and I wear less make-up.
Sunday means handball game. Unfortunately, we lost the match again. I was bummed about it, but when I got home I almost immediately had an order for Loose and so I was on the road doing that again. My mood changed from being bummed to being exited! It was a small order, but every one is special! At home, I made sushi for myself. A while ago I said in my weekly diary that I will only eat sushi at a sushi restaurants and not make it at home anymore. The taste is just not that good as in a restaurant and I don’t want the waste that comes with it anymore (like the nori blades, they come in plastic). However, we had a big stock of sushi rice still in our kitchen, so my dad said that needed to be eaten first, of course. No food waste in our kitchen. So, for now I made some good sushi for myself. Most of the ingredients were waste free but the nori blades, the soy sauce, the rice vinegar and the seaweed salad were not, so. This will be one of the last times I think. My boyfriend finally came back from his holiday too, we hadn’t seen each other for two weeks.
![Weekly diary #75](https://i0.wp.com/www.whenateengoesgreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/img_20190127_114254-scaled.jpg?resize=640%2C853&ssl=1)
![Weekly diary #75](https://i0.wp.com/www.whenateengoesgreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/img_20190127_184552-scaled.jpg?resize=640%2C853&ssl=1)
This week I can work 40 hours at my job! So, today I worked from 9:30 till 17:00. I am very happy about that, I can use the money to invest into Loose and we (my friends and I) are planning on going on a holiday to Albufeira this year. I have decided to come along, but not by plane. So, I am still planning that right now. I think I will write a blogpost about it soon. I had some sushi rice leftover from the sushi yesterday, so today I made some sort of sushi bowl. It was delicious! Something I had never made before, but very low waste, since you don’t need the nori blades. A good leftover dish.
Another full day of work, from 7:00 till 16:00. I was not tired at all when I woke up, I think my second hand Philips wake-up light is working. It wakes you up more gently, which is healthy. I think I am quite content with this alarm, but I am not entirely sure just yet. After work I ate another sushi bowl, to finally finish all the rice I still had from sunday. Then I had handball training. A while ago I told you guys that I broke my handball, it had gone leak. I emailed the producer if I could recycle it somewhere (that’s you Select). I have not gotten a response till this day, so I guess I am going to e-mail them again. It really bothers me when producers don’t take responsibility for their products, so I am trying again. I want to get rid of this handball responsibly.
![Weekly diary #75](https://i0.wp.com/whenateengoesgreen.files.com/2019/01/img_20190129_174711.jpg?w=640&ssl=1)
I had an appointment at the laser in the morning. I am getting my armpits done, they are taking the hairs away for good by this laser. It is painful and expensive, but so worth it. Maybe not a feministic (I don’t really know if I am a feministic person anyway) move, but I feel so good about it. A feminists basically wants equal right for both men and women, so I guess I am one. But, at the same time: isn’t it weir that women are supposed to get rid of their armpit hair and men are not? So, no, this is not a feministic move at all. But I am not a fan of growing my armpit hair, it feels disgusting. This time was the fifth time I went there, but I’ll write a blogpost about it when I’m all done. After that, I worked a long day from 12 till 8 again.
How was your week? What did you try to make a positive impact?
Yours sincerely,