Hi! The holiday is over and school has begun again, but I’m continuing these weekly diaries. Here’s weekly diary #8.
I worked till 4 PM and afterwards I had a barbecue. On my way there I bought a zero waste snack at Albert Heijn, a banana, almost the only option they have. The barbecue was organized by my mentor from school. Very sweet! It was great to see her and all my classmates again after such a long period. Luckily there was vegetarian food arranged for me. Burgers, salads and more! I don’t know if it was vegan, probably not. But it was a good barbecue!
I worked from 8:30 till 5 and afterwards I went to the gym. I feel all grown-up when I have a day like this. Working and exercising. On my way to the gym I saw a bag of trash that had broken in our street. Gosh, I hate that. This way the trash goes everywhere. It ends up in nature. Once back home dad made us some great broccoli soup for dinner today!
Today I worked from 7AM till 8 PM. This is the longest period I have ever worked and afterwards I went straight to bed. I was exhausted.
The handball season is starting again, yay! I think I’ve never mentioned it here, but I play handbal. I think for about 10 years now. Today I had my first training again. And even though I have been going to the gym the past weeks, it was tough. But it felt great to play again! Once back home I watched a video from RTL Late Night (a Dutch show). Boyan Slat was a guest that day. I was so excited because he has a plan to clean up the oceans (from plastic and other trash). It is such an amazing idea, but it’s a shame that it’s necessary. I also watched a documentary, but it wasn’t that good. And I made some DIY deodorant again! .
School! Yes, the holiday has officially ended and I am going back to school. However, I am continuing these diaries. It started as an experiment for the holiday, but I like doing it so much that I will continue (and I hope you do too!). Right now I’m in the third year of my Facility Management bachelor. I study in Deventer. Time flies! I find first days always awful. The message is always: try to be different from everybody else and original. I hate that. I just want to be me and if that’s the same as everyone else it is. If it’s not it’s not. They just want you to stand out. But I hate pretending to be something I’m not. They bring it across like we’re not special if we’re ourselves. Anyhow, I’ll just ignore that and try to make the best out of it. It’s supposed to be fun after all. When I went for a walk with my dog that night, I came by a circus. Circus Renz. A circus which uses animals for entertainment. I hate it! In The Netherlands wild animals in circuses are forbidden, but aren’t camels wild animals? I will never ever buy a ticket.
Another day of school, but so far it’s only introductions. Afterwards I went to the library, one of my favorite places. I also send a package today. I had sold my FC-Twente scarf. It’s from our local soccer club where I used to go sometimes. I barely ever go anymore and so I sold the scarf. One less thing I own, yes! At night it was time for a handball training again, woo!
Today school was a lot of fun, because I had a course which I had chosen myself. Sustainable accommodation. I like this course a lot and for homework we got the assignment to watch Rot op met je milieu! Funny, I had seen it already and even wrote a blogpost about it. I also had another course, academic review. We should write a paper and we were allowed to choose the subject ourselves. I chose to write about the effects of climate change on winter sports! It will be interesting I suppose. After school I went together with my boyfriend to his grandma. He made us a lovely vegetarian meal!
Yours sincerely,
Ik probeer nu ook zoveel mogelijk via Marktplaats te verkopen, maar boeken schiet niet op 😛 Daar heb ik vandaag dus maar Bookcrossingboeken van gemaakt en die zet ik dan in de Boekenhoek op Utrecht Centraal 🙂
De documentaire die je noemt ken ik niet… Maar ik heb geen 365 spullen (veel meer volgens mij, tel al het bestek maar eens :O), dus dan schiet het toch niet echt op met elke dag 1 ding uit de opslag halen? Ben je echt je hele leven bezig (en je moet dan wel beginnen met kleding en keukenspul, anders kan je ook niets thuis…).
Verder heb ik deze week de petitie voor het sleepnetwet-referendum getekend! Hoe meer referenda in Nederland hoe beter 😛
Goed idee dat van die boekenhoek! Met Marktplaats moet je inderdaad soms wat geduld hebben. Die man van die documentaire ging inderdaad wat extreem, zo had hij de eerste dag alleen een jas en sliep hij op de vloer, maar daar hou ik wel van haha! Heb je de link van dat referendum toevallig?
Hm, ik zou als eerste item waarschijnlijk een jurk met lange mouwen hebben gekozen 😛 Dat is dan een soort van t-shirt en rok ineen (en lange mouwen kun je opstropen als het warm is).
Dit is de link: https://teken.sleepwet.nl/