Hi! This is already the second week of school again. I attended new courses, went to handball training and sold some stuff again on Marktplaats (the Dutch e-bay). Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #9.
The last school day of the week already, on Fridays I am free. I started at 11:00 AM and that’s so perfect for me. Then I have to get up at 8:15 AM which is a reasonable time. For the sustainable accommodation course we went by a teacher’s house to see what he has done to make his house sustainable. A fun way of learning, right? It was the first time I had seen solar panels from a close distance. When I think about my own house for later, I have plans! At night I went to handball training again, it takes me a little bit of time to get into that rhythm again. The last time I played handball 3 times a week was 7 months ago.
My schedule changed, I wasn’t free from school today. Unfortunately I had already planned a shift at work since I thought I was free. So, my first time skipping school. It’s not mandatory at all, but it still feels strange. I worked all day and went to bed early. I’ve noticed that it’s really tiring to get back into this school schedule. It feels mentally exhausting.
Another day of work, but a perfect shift. Only in the morning! I cleaned a bit in our house, because mom wasn’t feeling well. Also, I sold something again on Marktplaats, Diddle! I took a quick peek at our local library to get a new book and went to a secondhand clothing shop to bring some clothes I don’t need any longer. I bought a secondhand sweater too. When I bring in clothes and the owner sells them, I get 40% of that price. I had some money on my account and so this sweater cost me only 2 euros. That night I went to the city center for drinks and dinner for her birthday. I like to gift experiences, not things. It was fun, it always is! They had no vegan options where we ate and so I had a vegetarian caprese salad. Good enough.
Training! I am playing handball again on Sundays. Afterwards, I was pretty tired. I watched another episode of Game of Thrones but I decided to quit. I made it to season 3 but I just didn’t like it. Everyone urged me to continue but if something doesn’t get fun after 3 seasons I’m out. I also watched some Expedition Robinson (a Dutch show which is hyped, so I thought I’d give it a try). At night we barbecued for dinner and I almost succeeded in eating only vegan. I ate one focaccia that wasn’t vegan but I thought it was.
A day off from school again! My new schedule is so chill. But I did went to school. I like doing a little something everyday, also in the weekend. This way I do everything little by little and I don’t have stress when the exams are near. I hate stress. And a big plus: if you finish assignment before the deadline, the holiday lasts longer! Yay! I feel so disciplined when that works out. After school I went home with my boyfriend and we watched The Walking Dead together. I love those chill cozy nights.
Today I had only one course, but in between I had 2,5 hours off. That sucks. However, I tried to make the best out it. Do some homework, etc. I got a really bad cold since last night. I’m even afraid I don’t have enough reusable handkerchiefs, that’s how bad it is. I’ll wash most of them quickly tonight. I also finished a Dutch book called ‘Dit is Jouw Leven’ of which I’ve read really good reviews and so I expected a lot. Turned out it wasn’t a good book at all. Bummer.
School was fine today, I’m all on schedule too. After school I went to the library to pick up some new books. There were a few reserved for me because I couldn’t find them in the library (even though they were listed as available). Even the lady who works there couldn’t find them. And so by reserving them, someone searches for them until they find it. Normally I don’t do this because when you reserve a book you get a receipt (which is non-recyclable at my local library), but this time I had no choice.
A little note to the people who know me well (because I know some of you read this weekly diary). Next week Tuesday is my birthday. If you’re reading this: I don’t want any presents. I write it down a lot on this blog: I want to own very little stuff. So if you come over to get some cake with me that’s great! Just don’t buy any stuff for me.
Yours sincerely,
Follow me on Instagram.
Ik vraag vaak dingen als thee, honing en ander eten dat toch gekocht zou worden, als cadeau 🙂
Honingpotjes zijn ook goed herbruikbaar trouwens!
Van GoT heb ik boek 1 gelezen en ik was heel teleurgesteld. Ook heb ik een ander boek van George R.R. Martin gelezen en dat viel me zwaar tegen (sciencefictionboek, terwijl ik SF over het algemeen wel heel leuk vind). Ik lees geen boeken meer van hem 😛 Er zijn veel betere boeken te vinden…
En zonnepanelen zijn helemaal niet zo supergoed voor het milieu, denk maar aan de grondstoffen die gebruikt worden om ze te maken…. Elektrische auto’s rijden in principe ook gewoon op steenkool 😛 Het allerbeste is gewoon minder elektriciteit gebruiken.
Wellicht dat ik over een tijdje weer opnieuw gebin met GoT, maar voor nu nog even niet. Wat betreft je mening over zonnepanelen, daar ben ik het niet helemaal mee eens. Ik denk dat een combinatie van beiden het beste is. Eerst stroom verminderen en dan de stroom die je nog nodig hebt opwekken met zonne-energie!
Dat laatste zou natuurlijk het allerbeste zijn 😀 En windenergie en waterenergie.
Haha, ook een minimalist? (mbt je laatste opmerking!)
Jazeker! Qua mindset al helemaal denk ik, maar qua spullen ben ik flink aan het minderen en dat duurt even omdat ik het duurzaam wil doen! Vooral een capsule wardrobe is een aandachtspuntje, daar moet ik nog aan werken.