Hi there! Welcome into my weekly diary. In this diary I want to show you what an attempt to an eco-positive lifestyle looks like on a daily basis. I want to cause more positive than negative impact to our beautiful planet. The past week has been a good one. I’ve donated some plasma, picked up a bag full of trash, saved some trash by buying secondhand and borrowed some books! Want to read along? Here’s weekly diary #93.
Today felt weird, because my boyfriend and I got up quite early to bike. It’s a seasonal thing many people in Twente (my region) do today. At noon he went home again and did some grocery shopping. I wanted to make a vegan tuna salad today, I’ve published that recipe here. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely zero waste. But the most impact in food is whether it’s plant-based, then organic and then packaging. But, I am still looking for a way to get these nori blades zero waste. If you have any tips, let me know! At night I went to a friend’s house and we attended a party for Ascension Day. I was a good party! I brought my own cup for drinks, but I didn’t have to use it in the end. But, I was prepared! And that feels pretty damn good.

Yesterday I came across such a funny Instagram account and I’ll share a few memes here, I just love them. The one with Will Smith is my favourite. I made myself a good smoothie today but again did not go to the gym. I have not worked out since Sunday but I am giving myself a week rest. Instead I worked on my thesis, worked at my part-time job and at night I watched a documentary on Netflix called Given. It was quite a strange documentary, but I enjoyed it. I don’t know if I would recommend it.

First, I worked at my part-time job. Then, I went into the city centre to get some mushrooms at my favourite stand at the market. It’s a local and organic stand. Meanwhile, I ran into a friend and I decided to stick with her while she shopped, it was fun. The mushrooms were package free but I also bought seaweed salad, something else I just can’t find unpackaged. It’s frustrating. Anyone any tips? When I went shopping with a friend we went to a fast fashion store called Primark. I went in there and it was kind of sad to me to see all these people shopping there and maybe not even knowing what they’re doing to the world and the people who made them. I didn’t say anything to my friend about it, I only say what I think when people ask me. But I think she knows, since she knows me. Sometimes it can be so devastating, when you try so hard yourself and see others just ruin the world. But, I know there are so many good people too, trying to make a change. It’ll come, one day. I went to the library to lend a book again and on the first Saturday of the month, they have this thing where they sell all the old pieces which they don’t need at the library anymore. In my last weekly diary, I told you that I wanted to change my room a bit, so today I bought some magazines so I can cut out some things and hang them up my wall. Secondhand decoration! Or maybe more even, since magazines at the library get read more than once. I watched the last episode of Our Planet and Netflix and chilled the rest of the day.

Getting up early, since it’s been a week since I exercised and I want to try if I can go again without having any pain in my knees. And I did! It felt so good, working out again. Then, I had to work for two hours at my part-time job. It was going to be 30 degrees Celsius today, so it was busy in the bakery. Once I was free I put on my secondhand swimsuit, put on some sustainable sunscreen, grabbed my borrowed book from the library and biked off to the Rutbeek. It’s a lake in our city where it is amazing with good weather. None of my friends were able to make it, so I decided to go there on my own. Good weather, a good place and a good book, ah! Perfect. I brought my own water bottle (duh) and an apple, all I need. Once back home we barbecued. I am still trying to find some more zero waste options for the barbecue. But for now, I stick to mushrooms, salads, baguette and hummus. It’s good, but I want some more options next time.

I want to go to the gym again, but I slept way too long so I had no time. I had an appointment to donate some plasma at the Blood Bank. And it went very well! No complaints, no nothing. All my levels are good and I was done in 1,5 hour (which is quick for me since I don’t have a high blood-pressure). It feels so good, I’m saving lives here. It was my 5th time donating plasma and so I got to pick a present. I told them I didn’t want anything, since I am a minimalist and I only bring stuff into my life with intention. They told me it was also possible to donate the money to a charity, so I gave it the Red Cross. More lives saved, hopefully! I saw some people around me choosing some gifts, like puzzles. Then I wonder if they’re ever going to use it. I think most people take one because it’s free. Anyway, I worked on my thesis at school. At night, I walked our dog and meanwhile picked up trash. That’s another bag full I saved from the streets!

I went to the library to lend another book, since I had finished my book I borrowed Saturday. Afterwards, I went to the Rutbeek all day Sunday and so I was done quickly. I read Turtles all the way down from John Green. It was a nice book, I’d rate it a 6/10 since it was not amazing. I worked on my thesis again and during lunch I went to a second-hand shop to bring some stuff there. I forgot to take pictures, but I brought two pillows (which were a hand me down), a portrait (which was also a hand me down item I once got), two pairs of shoes (which I bought new before my eco-positive lifestyle), a sunglass (which I bought second-hand) and a lamp (which I also bought before I went zero waste). Hopefully, they will sell it all. While I was there I bought something myself, a short for 1,50 euro! I will write a blogpost soon again about all the second-hand items I bought the last months.

I got up early to visit a pick-up point. I ordered secondhand shoes at UnitedWardrobe since my last pair were really worn out (I got those secondhand last year, the blue ones one on the picture). I’m happy to give clothing a new life, it’s not meant to be trash. I went to the gym again, but I misread the schedule and so I was there during a boxing class. I hated it. It’s just way too hard and not my thing. I did finish it though. I went to work on my thesis after that and my dad and I also went to my grandparents that day.

How has your week been? Did you cause any positive impact? Or prevented bad?
Yours sincerely,
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