Every year in September I look back at the period of exactly one year. I answer the question: how many earths do we need if everybody on the planet lived like me? In other words: am I taking more than my share when it comes to the earth’s resources? Or am I living an eco-positive…
Category: What is an eco-positive lifestyle?
I try to live an eco-positive lifestyle. Such a lifestyle is the very base of this entire blog. If you don’t know what an eco-positive lifestyle is yet, you can read the post below to find out. In this category you can also find the calculations I do every year to see if I have lived eco-positive that year.
Have I lived eco-positive the past year? 2022/2023
It’s September again! And for me that means one thing: calculating my personal impact. It’s time to look back at the past year and see if I lived eco-positive or not. Shortly said, I’m going to calculate how many earths we’d need if everybody lived like me. Would we then live within the earth’s capacity…
What is an eco-positive lifestyle?
An eco-positive lifestyle, it’s the lifestyle I thrive. It’s in line with my values and it makes me happy. I’ve written about it a lot, since it’s the subject of my blog. I I try to give tools and information so that an eco-positive lifestyle becomes tangible. I feel like it would be best if…
Have I Lived Eco-Positive the Past Year? 2021/2022
Yes! Another year has passed and so it’s time to measure how I’ve done. If you’re wondering: no, it’s not actually a new year, it’s still September. But I once started measuring whether I had lived eco-positive the past year in September and since I do this on a yearly basis, I keep doing it…
Have I lived eco-positive the past year? 2020/2021
The moment of truth has arrived! It’s time to measure the impact I’ve made the past year. My goal is to live within the earth’s capacity. Meaning that if everybody lived like me, we’d need 1 earth or less (as we have). I started calculating this score for the first time 4 years ago. Back…
Have I lived eco-positive the past year? 2019/2020
It’s time! It’s time for the big moment I (and you hopefully) have been waiting for! Time to measure again. Time to measure whether I have lived within the earth’s capacity the past year. This year is the third time I will measure my impact and I am keen to see how I did. Have…
Have I lived eco-positive the past year? 2018/2019
Years ago I started a more sustainable lifestyle. It all started with a zero waste lifestyle and from there I discovered new issues and problems. I took little steps each time and learned a lot along the way. Have these steps worked? Have I lived eco-positive the past year? 2018/2019.
Have I lived Eco-Positive the Past Year? 2017/2018
Recently I’ve read an article from Zaailingen.com in which Linda calculates the impact she has had on the environment the past year, and the sees wether she is living within the capacity of the earth or not. I was very curious. Not just about her, but also about me. I know I’ve been making some great…